The online meeting with my brother’s school

There is a school that I really want to go to, it is the school that my older brother goes to, I think the school is incredibly unique. The reason I love the school is that it isn’t a normal high school, it has horses to teach the students new things and not horses for activities but the first year you have to learn how to ride a horse and that interested me to the school. The teachers there are like family, you could see your English teacher in the classroom and on your hiking trip! Another thing that inspired me to want to go to this school is that my brother said that the school is his second home, and his friends are like his second siblings and I really like the idea of that.

I joined an online meeting with my parents and the director of the school, I always get inspired by his presentations, he talked about how the students live in the school, he talked a little bit about the horses and even my brother joined! After listening to the presentation I wanted to go to school more than ever, I just wanted to be there with horses and my new friends. I was so excited! Then it was Q&A time, I felt nervous but I wanted to know the answers to my 3 questions so I raised my hand and I asked my questions, he answered them really kindly and I understood it very well. After the meeting, I am really thankful for this occasion and I am looking forward to seeing the school again!

My second last tooth

This story is about when my second last tooth fell out. Usually, I don’t like pulling teeth out on my own, especially the big ones so my dentist usually yanks them out but it doesn’t hurt at all but it is really sudden so it can scare me a little and I don’t like the taste of blood at the end. So for me pulling teeth out is not that fun.

I was at my friend’s house, and I already had a wobbly tooth. We went to the gas station to get some candy, She got a drink there and a tube of mentos, I only got a drink. We got back to her house and we started to eat and drink what we got, and she gave me one mentos, I chewed the mentos and I felt something strange in my mouth, it felt new and I wasn’t used to that feeling. I didn’t feel any pain at all and suddenly my friend said I was bleeding and I was shocked because I didn’t know what happened. It turns out I had lost my tooth! I was so surprised because I never get my teeth pulled out this fun! I was so excited and happy because the big tooth was also aching a little and hurting my mouth. This experience was very fun and I learned that pulling teeth out can actually be fun and not always very scary. :0

Youtube Camp

In addition to Roblox camp I also did Youtube camp, well it is animation and storytelling. But I like to call it a youtube camp. The camp is 5 days long. In this camp, you animate using an app called Adobe animate on your laptop and start to animate! We only started to animate in the last couple days. But my finished product was the owner of a cat forgetting to give the cat food and then the cat reminds him and the owner gives him food and he eats it and they become happy. It sounds like such a simple animation but it took really long to make. because I had to make more than 200 pictures(frames) for it. I really liked doing the camp though because I had also never done animate before so I enjoyed learning something new during the summer holiday. I also hung out with friends after the camps I just kind of want to rest for the rest of the holiday. Because I am a little bit tired already. :3

Roblox Camp

During the summer holiday, I had a summer camp. I really enjoyed it because it included Roblox in it. And right now I am enjoying to play Roblox is my free time. So in the camp (which is called ID tech), you are supposed to make your own game. It was my first ever time making a game. First, we started with making an obstacle and started to build on it. We learned to do a couple of other tricks to add to the obstacle like kill blocks. Kill blocks are blocks that if you step on it will kill you. What I most loved about Roblox camp is when I was making more and more stages on Roblox. I highly recommend doing the Roblox camp because it is so fun and you get to learn a variety of things. The photo is the obstacle I finished with the tools. 🙂

After Lockdown

During Lockdown things were hard, but we all got through it, after lockdown, we still needed to wear masks outside, but we got to meet friends. Because the summer holiday would be boring since we can’t go to other countries, my brother and I joined a Roblox camp, Roblox camp is where your code and make your own game, it goes on for a week. Depending on your age there are different things you do. For my age (12) I can actually earn some money if a load of people plays my game and if they use Robux then I get the money. Robux is money in Roblox. I feel really happy that lockdown has ended, I think that there are going to be more cases but I think everyone in Singapore will be glad that they can meet their friends, not in front of a screen.

Donating Money To a good cause

Together with my parents, I donated SG$500 to a website that helps migrant workers in Singapore. I wanted to donate to there because I know that they are having an extremely hard time right now. They were getting very little money and crowded and stuck in one place altogether and trying their best to get through this COVID 19. They wouldn’t want to catch the virus because they need to still work to get some money to give back to their family. If you also donate to this donation called home, you will help these people by, giving them better treatment for work injuries, better living conditions, and a lot more. I thought it would be a good idea to donate because I knew that these people needed this amount of money more than us. After I donated this money I left really delighted about the donation.
Here is the donation link. This is the video I saw that wanted to make me donate this money.

Daddy’s anywhere door

This blog is about my father’s room door. During the Corona Virus, my father is staying home all of the time, and when he is in his room I feel like he goes through this magical door into another country. If you don’t understand what I mean, I mean that when he goes through that door and starts to call someone from another country I feel like he’s just going to the other country in a second. Because he doesn’t come out of that door unless it’s dinner time.

Corona Virus

The Corona Virus is a big thing right now in the world, everyone is panicking about it. I predict that people are really scared because we don’t have a cure/vaccine for it and it spreads really quickly with one cough or sneeze. The people who work at restaurants are losing a lot of their money, but I wondered if the companies which are selling soap’s money is increasing. So I did some research and it said the store’s money has increased really quickly since the Corona Virus started. I think that people should not panic this much and the only thing you can do it just to wash your hands and take more showers often, and don’t go outside of your house too much. Just to try to stay with your family members.

Spring Holiday

This is my first ever blog. The spring holiday is chaotic right now, but I am trying to make it as fun as possible. Every day there is new news about the Corona Virus. My older brother studies at a boarding school in the U.S., and he was supposed to come back to Singapore but he couldn’t come back because he may not be able to return back to America. Instead, my father went to the U.S. to visit him. It was really sad for the whole family.

The good thing is that I made a holiday plan so that I can focus on more productive tasks that are really meaningful during the holiday.

1. Write 140 SSAT words on the flashcards. 2. Read 2 books. 3. Observe, Research & Write about the Corona Virus. These are the things I would like to do in the following 2 weeks.